Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Rain, rain go away. Only kidding!

Ahhh.  The sound of rain on the window sills, a flash of lightning and rolling distant thunder makes glad the heart of a gardener.

I took advantage of a pause in Wednesday's forecast of showers periodically throughout the day and dropped my cucumber seeds in their place in the garden.  Two varieties, one for pickling and one for delicious cucumber salads.  Within a short week or so their tiny green heads will be breaking the soil to feel the warmth of the sun.

I also emptied 2 packets of giant zinnias into spots in the yard that could use a burst of color this summer. If you have ever bought seed packets you know your $1.99 bought a very short row to plant!
I remembered I had a can of dried zinnia heads from deadheading last summers flowers.  I will definitely do that again this summer because one dried head gives you at least 2 seed packets worth of seed if not more!  It is worth the effort to collect them.

Last but not least I moved an emerging hydrangea away from the vegetable garden and transplanted it to a new location and planted a nice sized rhubarb starter plant in its place.  Happy dance!!  I have always wanted my own rhubarb and finally made good on that wish.  All sorts of rhubarb recipes dance in my head including marrying my new strawberries with the rhubarb in a pie!  Oh!  I smacked my lips on that last thought!

All of my plantings got a big, healthy dose of our compost energized planting mix and could use some more rain.  That's right!  Rain, rain come again!  There's nothing like a drink of Mother Nature's "milk" for your garden plants!

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