The plants are breaking free of the earth like a whale surfacing for air. It is amazing to watch the changes going on in the garden. Every little seed or seedling that was put in the ground just a few short weeks ago has had startling growth. The compost, either store bought or composted in my backyard must have played a role. Flowers are blooming and veggies are working very hard to grow, mature and produce the yield we all wait for! I know it is still early but planting the cool weather veggies this year has helped to feed my anticipation of "Produce by Gardenmama".
yellow and purple coreopsis
2 varieties beets, 3 lettuces, spinach, carrots, swiss chard, cucumbers, pepper
Rhubarb Sq ft garden boxes variegated sweet iris l.pallida Argentea Variegatasame and herbs Sq ft garden box Strawberry pyramid
Hosta Garden Sour Cherry Tree Developing Cherries
1 year old Lilac bush and close up of lilac flower
It is reported that bringing a dog or cat to visit the housebound or ill has profound effects on the patient. I say the same for a garden. Cultivating a garden full of color and bounty also has profound effects not only on the gardener but also those who get to enjoy the show the plants put on. Bring an elder or someone who is unable to get around on their own to a garden and watch their eyes light up remembering plants their parents used to garden with or even when they may have gardened themselves once upon a time. Grab a friend, spouse or neighbor and plant a garden. Heck, just grab a shovel and dig Mother Earth!

I have decided to close each post with an inspiring quote.
I cultivate my garden, and my garden cultivates me. ~Robert Brault
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