Friday, June 14, 2013


I'm watching the calendar.  That's right, watching and looking for June 21st.  The first day of summer!  What's holding our nice, warm weather back?  Is it El Nino?  Is it La Nina?  Is it a Canadian front, hanging low and heavy over the Midwest?  Whatever it is I was a bit chilled last night and it is back down in the 50's tonight, again!  If I could knit, which I can't, or sew, again, I don't.  I just might have made little sweaters or jackets for my garden plants!  Really, those poor babies are shivering and trying to shake off the chill from their green leaves. 
This weather seems schizophrenic too.  One day it is almost hot and with enough humidity hanging in the air that you walk from the parking lot at work and scare yourself when you look in the mirror at work to see your hair is starting to resemble Don King's!  The next day we have torrential rains, exciting lightning shows and scary tornado warnings.  Then we plummet 20 degrees.  From the 80's to the high 60's or low 70's in the day. 
The poor zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes!  It is those nights when the thermometer hugs 50 with enough wind that you are sure there must be wind chill factor that it seems the plants are embracing cryogenics!  Hoping and waiting for summer to come quick and revive them!
Well, I'm waiting too.  Waiting for those nights when the breeze is balmy and not even a summer sweater is needed to cover the shoulders.  I'm waiting for the blazing sun to be hanging in a sea of baby blue and making the temperature soar to 90 so that Lake Michigan beaches beckon and the water makes for a refreshing dip to cool down.
this is dated incorrectly. 8/18/2011.
OK, I'm a big girl and can deal with this.  I AM enjoying the beauty of the back yard!
 I must say the cool weather plants are rather enjoying this chilly spring we are having.  The salad garden is full with ruffly, green leaves.  The broccoli looks like it could feed Goliath!

The Montmorency Cherry Tree (sour cherries) will not be held back by chilly spring weather.  They are abundant on the tree and turning redder every day.
Cool, rainy, weather is predicted for the weekend and has me thinking of something warm and inviting from the kitchen!  That will be the next entry. 
See you next time inside, in the kitchen.
Every year it seems to me I hear complaints about spring.  It is either "late" or "unusually cold", "abnormally dry" or "fantastically wet", for no one is ever willing to admit that there is no such thing as a normal spring.
-Thalassa Crusso



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