Friday, July 12, 2013


Oh my. Oh my.
Specifics and being a work site manager are definitely required when you mention things to my husband.
I got the yard and garden off to a good start this early spring.  I cleaned beds, raked debris and planted of course.  When the trees and bushes started budding and filling in as weeks went by I started noticing dead wood in a Silver Maple tree in the backyard.  The ground beneath the Silver Maple is a shade garden that has definitely been a labor of love over the years.  Not for the tree mind you but for the great shade plants that you can find in the nursery.  For the record, I hate that tree and all of its' "helicopter" seeds it sheds each spring!  I probably have mentioned more than once over the years to my husband how much I despise that tree and the mess it creates every year for me.  That man has a memory like an elephant, he never forgets!
A few short weeks ago I noticed again, the dead wood in the Silver Maple.  I finally remembered to ask the hubby to please cut down the dead wood out of the tree.  This was on the night before my day off from work.  I tend to stay up late the night before a day off, catching up on movies, reading, etc.  This all equals out to the cause and effect of my sleeping in late on some days off.  Which I did exactly that the following morning.  Waking that morning, later than usual, I thought maybe I could grab a cup of coffee with the husband before he leaves for work.  I made my way with a cup of joe in hand to the back patio only to find my husband taking on the character of a lumberjack!
This is probably what he visions in his head.
This is really a clearer picture of what a suburban lumberjack looks like.

Needless to say, I almost dropped my cup of joe and had a heart attack  right there.  I don't picture him playing doctor very well, so good thing I didn't need CPR!
He was indifferent to my shock and said, "You hate this tree right?  I think I can take it down myself."  I said, "NO! Please stop.  That is a SHADE GARDEN beneath there!  Probably 100's of dollars worth of plants by now.  I need that damn tree there!" 
He was happy with his handiwork and thought he did a splendid job. 
The lesson here is never suggest or ask for something to be done unless you can supervise the job!
Hopefully my beautiful variety of hosta and day lilly, and spirea all survive a little more sun shining on them!
Here's a picture before Paul Bunyan came to do some yard work.
 These are after pictures with piles of branches and even a beautifully crafted bird's nest that was lost in the frenzy.

It has been a week or so since Paul Bunyan visited.  The following pictures show what seems like the garden is holding up to more sunshine and partial shade.  Thank goodness.



Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
-Warren Buffett

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